Event: «Dismantling the Growth Narrative»

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On 21 March, the online event Dismantling the Growth Narrative took place. This event, organised by the Green European Foundation, addressed how the growth ideology has become hegemonic; how to move towards the construction of new paradigms; and how to get the message across to society, among other issues. It also saw the launch of the Spanish version of the report On the Growth Narrative: Unlearning dogmas.

With the participation of:

  • José Manuel Naredo. Spanish economist and statistician, pioneer in the study and dissemination of ecological economics in Spain, a field in which he has made outstanding contributions as an author with a large number of publications to his credit. http://elrincondenaredo.org/
  • Julia Steinberger. Professor of Societal Challenges of Climate Change at the University of Lausanne. Her research examines the connections between resource use and societal performance. She is Lead Author for the IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report. https://profjuliasteinberger.wordpress.com/
  • Aurora Rodríguez del Barrio. Consultant and social and cultural researcher. Member of the team that produced the report «On the Narrative of Growth. Unlearning dogmas» of the Green European Foundation.

Here the video of the event:

Presentations by the speakers:

Links shared via chat during the session:

This event is part of the Green European Foundation’s «Countering the Growth Narrative» project and will mark the launch of the report «On the Narrative of Growth. Unlearning the dogmas». The version in English of the report is still in preparation . It will be uploaded to GEF’s website when ready.